Things have been extremely busy for me the last couple months, with work taking a lot of my time and energy and the publishing side of things have suffered. I am working on catching up with things and there will be new episodes for the podcast in the coming weeks.

There is a significant back log of stories for the podcast, so podcast submissions are going to be temporarily closed for the next few months.

Also, after a lot of thought I have decided to cancel the planned third installment of the human/anthro anthology as I do not have the time and attention to devote to it now. I’m sorry to have to cancel the book, but I just can’t support it right now. I am instead going to focus what time I do have on the podcast.

Will Sanborn, editor Anthropomorphic Dreams

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AD 033 – First Hunt   July 1st, 2011

High school sucks when you’re different from everyone else. It sucks more when you get punished for standing up for yourself. But when staying in control means the difference between life and death, maybe there’s another way.

“First Hunt” by Jim Lai

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Novel Podcast

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

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This flash piece blends a tale of folklore and magic. Pretty White Snake, once a powerful luck charm, is now shunned by the people who fear him and his power, leaving him forced to travel the dream-paths searching for one who is not afraid of him. Will Pretty White Snake succeed, or will he continue to languish, powerless and despised?

“Pretty, White Snake” by Cathy Smith

Read by Adam Fullerton (Pegasus316)

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

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It’s been awhile and there have been a few stories on other podcasts that I wanted to post about, so here’s catching up with several links of interest.

First Drabblecast, the podcast of weird fiction, had a neat two-parter story that was darkly thrilling. “Boojum” by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette is a science-fiction story featuring space pirates, sentient organic ships and brain-stealing aliens. It’s a good ride. Listen to part one and part two here.

Escape Pod, the science-fiction audio magazine ran the fun piece awhile ago. Rejiggering the Thingamajig by Eric James Stone features an anthropomorphic Buddhist-practicing T-Rex sent on a quest with a talking gun.

For a more serious and mediative story on Zen Philosophy, there is the wonderful Friction by Will McIntosh.

And finally, there’s  Squonk the Dragon by P. M. Butler, which is a wonderful silly and absurdly amusing fantasy story. It features a lovable dragon who is being raised by a fiesty blue bird, and who constantly bothers a curmudgeonly wizard who just wants to be left alone.

The series started on Escape Pod but then moved to the fantasy podcast Pod Castle. The stories in the series so far are: Squonk the Dragon, Squonk the Apprentice and Squonk and the Horde of Apprentices.

After some delays,  the book Bait and Switch by Austen Crowder is now available in Kindle ebook format through Amazon.

More books from the back-catalog are planned for conversion to Kindle format later this year, and new books are targeted to have dual print and ebook release for the future.

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