Pseudopod – Oded the Merciless April 14th, 2010
Artificial and cybernetic constructs make for interesting characters because they offer the ability to glimpse into a non-human intelligence. Oded the Merciless by Tina Starr is a good albeit dark example of that.
While it doesn’t have any animal characters in it, the story makes good use of anthropomorphism. The computer AI is an intriguing and disturbing character which allows atrocities to be carried out first by passive limitations of its programming and then actively with dark experimentation on the nature of the human condition.
Warning: Pseudopod is a horror podcast and the story has strong horror elements of the visceral and psychological, and is for fans of the genre and not for the faint of heart.
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Drabblecast – Of Women and Aliens April 5th, 2010
The Drabblecast, the strange-fiction podcast, had a wonderful theme for March. They celebrated Women’s History month with stories by women authors and featuring female characters, plus they threw in aliens, because aliens are cool.
It’s not a simple gimic though. It’s a wonderful collection of fiction covering both our world and those so very different. There are alien worlds ans cultures awash in issues of politics and families and battles big and small fought as worlds collide. House cats fight off tiny invaders and a woman struggles to read the Tarot for a reptilian overlord in order to save her life. Those and other stories are linked below.
Anthropomorphic Dreams Podcast CD Volume 1 March 31st, 2010
Anthropomorphic Dreams Podcast CD Volume 1 (2009)
MP3 C, $9.95, available from FurPlanet.
Want to catch up on all the back-episodes of the podcast in one place and help support the podcast, then check out our CD collection from our first year in production.
Anthropomorphic Dreams is furry fandom’s fiction podcast, showcasing dramatic and entertaining story readings with anthropomorphic animals. The podcast highlights quality fiction within the fandom and endeavors to bring it to a wider audience.
Come join us for story time. This first volume includes 28 stories and over 10 hours of content and features the stories of: Simon Barber, Austen Crowder, Jason Gillespie, Chris Goodwin, Phil Geusz, Renee Carter Hall, M. C. A. Hogarth, Allen Kitchen, Mark Mellon, Ken Pick, Will A. Sanborn, Sean Silva, Tim Susman, Vargr Dragonwolf and Xeans.
Drabblecast Trifecta of Anthropomorphism March 31st, 2010
Drabblecast, the podcast of strange fiction for strange listeners, brings three odd and interesting tales. Trifecta XI’s theme is anthropomorphic animals, and includes the following stories:
The Existential Lizard by Alasdair Stuart
Cod Philosophy by Stephanie Campisi
Monkeys Imitating Humans Imitating Monkeys by Nancy Stebbins
More Golem Stories March 31st, 2010
Besides Variant Frequencies story Heart of Clay: A Saint Darwin’s Spiritual there are two other podcast stories which use golem characters.
These are from the more canonical sense, building on Jewish Mysticism and the dark historic setting of World War II. Both have some wonderfully moving character drama as well. They are:
Niels Bohr and the Sleeping Dane by Jonathon Sullivan on Escape Pod.
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