Support Anthro Dreams – Ursa Major Awards and Paypal Donations April 14th, 2013
It’s that time of year again, Anthro Dreams podcast is up for an Ursa Major award in the Best Magazine category. Voting is open until May 15th. If you like the podcast, please consider voting for it here.
On another note, it takes a lot of time and effort to put episodes of the podcast together. The podcast doesn’t have the funds to pay professional rates, but it does pay authors, narrators and audio editors some money for their stories and their work. There are also hosting fees for both the website and the audio file streaming service. If you enjoy the stories in audio fiction, please consider supporting the podcast with a Paypal donation, we could really use the help.
AD 051 – C. Moira’s Choice February 19th, 2013
Feline homunculus C.Moira enjoys the thrill of the hunt in pursuit of a fugitive, but the end of the chase may hold some surprise challenges for her.
Read by Peter Katt
Music cues by Infinity Squared
Drabblecast – Postapocalypsemas January 1st, 2013
Drabblecast, the weekly weird-fiction podcast, has an interesting story. Postapocalypsemas  by  Tim Pratt and Heather Shaw is a post-apocalyptic Christmas tale about a robotic reindeer, a cross between a toy and a protector, searching to find the little girl he was charged to look after and keep safe and happy. While not exactly an animal, the story does feature an anthropomorphic character. Also robots and other artificial lifeforms have always held a soft spot in this editors heart,
AD 050 – Gingerbread Reindeer December 30th, 2012
Renee Carter Hall returns to the podcast with a new addition to the Christmas mythos.
“The Gingerbread Reindeer” by Renee Carter Hall
Read by Peter Katt
Music cues by Infinity SquaredÂ
AD 049 – Shreddy and the Christmas Ghost December 22nd, 2012
For the holidays we have a continuing tale in the Shreddy stories and once again the loveable feline curmudgeon has another mishap with technology as well as a run-in with the supernatural. Other stories with Shreddy have appeared in Episode 30 and  Episode 35.Â
“Shreddy and the Christmas Ghost†by Mary Lowd
Read by Peter KattÂ
Music cues by Infinity SquaredÂ