AD Flash 027 – Blackout   August 13th, 2012

Stripping off, Jessy Salem examined her fur-covered body in the mirror for the millionth time. She liked to think that she was getting used to it. She told herself she was getting used to it. Still, the chore of bathing always put her in a foul mood.

“Blackout” by Evan Marshall

Read by Christopher Williams

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

Evan “Morse” Marshall is a student of electrical engineering by day and generally asleep by night. When he is not overwhelmed by academic life he enjoys swimming, sailing, or backpacking in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

He is not very good at piano, but enjoys pretending with a local music group on weekends. He collects slide rules as well as hobbies. Evan is, ironically, not very fond of shellfish.

“Blackout” is a snapshot in the months following Jessy Salem’s transformation. It is the first story in a shared universe where were-animalism is common, but has only recently reached some level of acceptance. The world was created to explore some of the more humorous, mildly annoying aspects of being stuck with fur, fangs, and a tail.


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Breaking the silence of the past many weeks, we bring you this powerful story of wolves and cranes, a fable of unexpected kindness amidst the food chain.

“How Cruel the Wolf” by Kadrian Blackwolf

Read by Christopher Williams

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

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Things have been very busy for your editor, as well as some of the readers working on stories. So while we’re running behind on a new podcast, here’s a link of interest. It’s anthropomorphism of a different kind than talking animals, but is still an entertaining listen. I admit I have a soft spot for stories of artificial life as well.

Drabblecast, the weird-fiction podcast has a fun story, A Nice Jewish Golem, that shows that no matter what you’re made of, it’s never easy finding a nice girl to bring home to mother.

“Mrs. Levine, it is hard enough for someone to find the right person to love in the world, even with all the people in it. For Yeshua, it is almost impossible. Would you have him fall in love with a human girl and pine for her until his heart broke and we would have to erase
the letter that gives him life? Reduce him back to a lifeless thing?”

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Anthropomorphic Dreams has been publishing audio fiction on the podcast for three years now. So far the costs of file and domain hosting, paying authors and story narrators, have been covered out of pocket by the editor and supplemented by book sales. These costs add up and the press is running in the red. It would also be nice to be able to pay authors and narrators more for their work, so now is the time to open donations.

If you enjoy the audio stories the podcast has been showcasing, please consider a donation to help support more audio stories in the future.

PayPal Donation Link

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Tonight we bring you an excerpt to By Sword and Star a novel out from Anthropomorphic Dreams Publishing, written by Renee Carter Hall. It is a fantasy story and the first few chapters are shared with you here in hopes they might pique your interest. 

 By Sword and Star novel excerpt by Renee Carter Hall

Read by Peter Katt

 Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

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