AD 042 – Michael Bard Memorial   March 30th, 2012

Tonight’s story is a memorial for the author Michael Bard. Michael W. “Morgan” Bard was an avid follower and participant in the science fiction, anthropomorphic animals, and transformation fandoms, as well as a prolific writer. Friends remember collaborating on story ideas and long talks on subjects ranging the wide gamut of the genres. He had a great love for ideas and stories, and that shines through in his writing. Michael lived in Toronto, and his love for that city and his Canadian pride are also evident in many of his stories.

Stories by Michael Bard

“Friendship” read by Peter Katt

“Winter” and “Stained Glass Window”

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Novel Podcast

Music cues by Infinity Squared

“Friendship” appeared in the fiction anthology Different Worlds, Different Skins.

Michael Bard’s memorial anthology is A Horse of Many Colours.

Download or listen to the episode here.

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By Sword and Star   March 20th, 2012

By Sword and Star by Renee Carter Hall

Print Book, $13.95, available from Amazon and Lulu.
Kindle eBook, $5.95, available from Amazon.
ePub eBook, $5.95, available from Lulu.
eBooks, $5.95, available from Bad Dog Books.

Download a sample of the book here.

Prince Tiran of Silverglen may be heir to the throne of all Asteria, but he’s always felt more at home among the villagers, no matter how many lectures he gets from his father.

But when the elk-lord Roden slaughters the royal family and claims the throne for himself, only Tiran is left to avenge their deaths and take his place as the rightful king.

His journey will lead him from the shadowed heart of his forest home into the treetops with the squirrel-clan of the Drays, across the western plains, and among the mysterious and deadly wolves of the Northern Reach.

With his allies’ help, Tiran must become the king his people need him to be – or risk fulfilling an ancient prophecy that will spell the end of Asteria itself.

Cover artwork by by Sara Miles.

AD Flash 025 – Sweet Nothings   February 19th, 2012

“There’s no crying allowed in here. Boss is really strict about it. Sours the ice cream.” She managed a flicker of a smile before the tears spilled over.

“Sweet Nothings” by Renee Carter Hall

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Novel podcast

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

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AD Flash 024 – Love is Golden   February 16th, 2012

Years before, before he became a rancher, before he found his mate, before she had shown him someone could actually care and love, he had been a killer.

“Love is Golden” by Gene Wolf

Read by Christopher Williams

Music cues by Infinity Squared

AD Flash 023 – Survivor   February 15th, 2012

Are you ready to play Survivor?

“Survivor” by Vixyy Fox

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Novel podcast

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.