Drabblecast – Postapocalypsemas January 1st, 2013
Drabblecast, the weekly weird-fiction podcast, has an interesting story. Postapocalypsemas  by  Tim Pratt and Heather Shaw is a post-apocalyptic Christmas tale about a robotic reindeer, a cross between a toy and a protector, searching to find the little girl he was charged to look after and keep safe and happy. While not exactly an animal, the story does feature an anthropomorphic character. Also robots and other artificial lifeforms have always held a soft spot in this editors heart,
The End of October November 8th, 2012
As you humble editor, I sometimes get the dubious pleasure of showcasing my own work. I have a mood piece I’ve posted to my personal blog which may be of interest.
The End of October by Will A. Sanborn is a love letter to both Autumn and Halloween.
Drabblecast – The Compassion Over Innsmouth October 10th, 2012
In August, Drabblecast, the weird-fiction podcast had their annual H. P. Lovecraft month. One of the stories they ran was Maybe the Stars  by  Samantha Henderson which was a neat take on the mythos, casting the Deep Ones in a sympathetic light.
And for fans of science-fiction, even though it didn’t contain any anthro characters, “The Wreck of the Charles Dexter Ward” (part one and part two)  by  Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette was a very entertaining and engaging story. It’s the third tale set in the shared world by the writing duo, which borrows elements of both Lovecraft and Alice in Wonderland.
Drabblecast – A Nice Jewish Golem June 11th, 2012
Things have been very busy for your editor, as well as some of the readers working on stories. So while we’re running behind on a new podcast, here’s a link of interest. It’s anthropomorphism of a different kind than talking animals, but is still an entertaining listen. I admit I have a soft spot for stories of artificial life as well.
Drabblecast, the weird-fiction podcast has a fun story, A Nice Jewish Golem, that shows that no matter what you’re made of, it’s never easy finding a nice girl to bring home to mother.
“Mrs. Levine, it is hard enough for someone to find the right person to love in the world, even with all the people in it. For Yeshua, it is almost impossible. Would you have him fall in love with a human girl and pine for her until his heart broke and we would have to erase
the letter that gives him life? Reduce him back to a lifeless thing?â€
Links of Interest – Catching Up June 12th, 2011
It’s been awhile and there have been a few stories on other podcasts that I wanted to post about, so here’s catching up with several links of interest.
First Drabblecast, the podcast of weird fiction, had a neat two-parter story that was darkly thrilling. “Boojum” by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette is a science-fiction story featuring space pirates, sentient organic ships and brain-stealing aliens. It’s a good ride. Listen to part one and part two here.
Escape Pod, the science-fiction audio magazine ran the fun piece awhile ago. Rejiggering the Thingamajig by Eric James Stone features an anthropomorphic Buddhist-practicing T-Rex sent on a quest with a talking gun.
For a more serious and mediative story on Zen Philosophy, there is the wonderful Friction by Will McIntosh.
And finally, there’s  Squonk the Dragon by P. M. Butler, which is a wonderful silly and absurdly amusing fantasy story. It features a lovable dragon who is being raised by a fiesty blue bird, and who constantly bothers a curmudgeonly wizard who just wants to be left alone.
The series started on Escape Pod but then moved to the fantasy podcast Pod Castle. The stories in the series so far are: Squonk the Dragon, Squonk the Apprentice and Squonk and the Horde of Apprentices.