AD 034 – The Three Tailed Fox   October 27th, 2011

Tonight’s tale mixes Japanese mythology with world history, as mystical creatures who live along side but hidden from humanity, observe the ominous events unfolding before them.

“The Three Tailed Fox” by Night Fox

Read by Christopher Williams

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

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AD 033 – First Hunt   July 1st, 2011

High school sucks when you’re different from everyone else. It sucks more when you get punished for standing up for yourself. But when staying in control means the difference between life and death, maybe there’s another way.

“First Hunt” by Jim Lai

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Novel Podcast

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

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Humanity’s encounters with other races are as likely to be fraught with conflict as with harmony. Tonight’s stories, told from contrasting viewpoints, offer glimpses into the dynamics and drama of both the conquerors and the oppressors in those situations.

“Welcome Home” by Night Fox

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Novel Podcast

“And the Sea Full of Stars”  by Searska Grey Raven

Read by Stoker Bramwell

Music cues by Infinity Squared

The story “And the Sea Full of Stars” came from the anthology Different Worlds, Different Skins, volume 1. If you liked this story, you may be interested in that book.

Download or listen to the episode here.

AD028 – Map of Scars   January 10th, 2011

King Teelin of the nation of the wolf has served his people well in the four years since his father’s death, but now his charismatic and powerful older brother has returned to challenge him for the crown.

“Map of Scars” by Heath Pfaff

Read by Belic Bear

Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

Bait and Switch novel excerpts by Austen Crowder
Music cues by Infinity Squared

Download or listen to the episode here.

In Fenton’s world, some kids are toons. Some think the change is biological. Others think the change is social. But some kids turn into toons, and Fenton’s father just wants it to stop. He’s even built a Realist movement to ban toons from the real world, hoping that it will keep his own children from following in their estranged mother’s cartoon footsteps.

Tensions rise as the Realists lobby to get their ban set into law, and toons fight for their right to be themselves. Fenton’s father knows he can count on his two boys to stand behind him and his dream of building a safe, a toon-free reality. It’s just too bad that Fenton’s becoming a toon….

Bait and Switch is a coming-out story which uses the metaphor of Toon Town encroaching on the Real World. As Austen describes it, it’s Boys Don’t Cry meets Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It’s a moving story, with powerful drama. While the situation revolves around issues both personal and political, the story is never a manifesto. Instead characters on both sides of the fence come off as human and nuanced, as they try to do what they think is right.

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