It’s a hard life for a lone griffin, trying to feed and care for her remaining chick after her mate was killed in a raid. When Sophaaru discovers abandoned dragon hatchlings will she leave them to the wilderness or take them in care for them as one of her own?

“The Sons of Air and Fire” by Xeans

Read by Kemmy

Download or listen to the album here.

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PodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast, has a new story with anthropomorphic characters, and two older ones which are also of interest.

Marsh Gods by Ann Leckie is in the same world as The Nalendar. Both tales deal with gods, usually in the form of animals or nature spirits, living amongst men, sometimes helping them, and always vying for their devotion. The world and the gods which inhabit them are fascinating, as our the rules governing the gods interactions with people. The stories are slightly mature due to some violence, but not more than would be seen on broadcast television.

I’ll Give In by Meghan McCarron is interesting tale of a woman meeting the new neighbor, a minotaur, and being tempted by the mythical stranger. It’s metaphor in the shape of a moving relationship drama with a fantasy twist. This story is more adult for including non-explicit sex.

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The second part of the story jumps into the action and delivers a nice emotional plot. Holly decides to do what is right and try and give Caitlin a happy Christmas, but does she really want to go against Santa’s wishes and is she up to the task ahead of her?

“Holly’s Jolly Christmas” part 2 by Renee Carter Hall

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Podcast novel

Intro musical cues by Infinity Squared

Story music provided from the Podsafe Music Network

“Dream of a Princess” by Yuzzy
“Welcome Home” by Doug Astrop
“Awakening” by Ax
“Joy Bounce” by Charlie Crowe
“Love” by Brian Turner

Outro music is Auld Lang Syne by Ghostwalker

Sound effects from the FreeSound Project

Download or listen to the episode here.

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Holly the reindeer has always wanted to be part of the team pulling Santa’s sleigh, but the same eight bucks are chosen every year. Is it possible she might get a chance at it this Christmas?

“Holly’s Jolly Christmas” part 1 by Renee Carter Hall

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Podcast novel.

Intro Music by Infinity Squared.

Additional story music from the Podsafe Music Network:

“The First Light” by Anthony Burbidge
“Finlandiabe Still My Soul” by Brian Turner
“The Moment is Now” by Antiqcool

Sound effects from the FreeSound Project.

Download or listen to the episode here.

AD Flash 010 – Special Delivery   December 21st, 2009

Happy Solstice! Christmas is just around the corner, so to get the yuletide mood going, we bring you a fun tale of a holiday mix-up.

“Special Delivery” by Renee Carter Hall

Read by Stoker Bramwell

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