Different Worlds, Different Skins December 20th, 2009
Different Worlds, Different Skins
Humanity’s Encounters with Other Races
Print Book, $17.95, available from Amazon and Lulu.
Download a sample of the book here.
What if humanity shared Earth with other sentient species? What would first contact with an alien race be like? What wonders or horrors could be wrought by our experiments to create new life-forms, both biologic and mechanical?
This anthology is rated general interest. There are a few stories which cover concepts of romantic love and sex, violence and death, however nothing explicit is shown “on screen.” The ratings of the stories range from G to PG-13.
This anthology examines these ideas, showing humanity’s interaction with the Other, in the form of anthropomorphic animals. The stories cover diverse genres, from science fiction and fantasy, to historical fiction and contemporary fables, exploring themes of race and culture and the endless possibilities of the human condition.
Featuring Stories by Michael Bard, Austen Crowder, Bernard Doove, Seth Drake, William Eakins, Lanny Fields, Phil Geusz, Jason Gillespie, Chris Goodwin, Searska Grey Raven, Renee Carter Hall, Stefan Kaiser, James R. Lane, Alan Loewen, Paul Lucas, Eric Luhman, Brian Miller, Ken Pick, J. Scott Rogers, Will A. Sanborn, Kris Schnee, Sean Silva, Tim Susman and Wookie.
Cover artwork by Sara “Caribou†Palmer.
Posted in Books, Merchandise for Sale | Comments Closed
PodCastle – Nine Sunday’s in a Row December 7th, 2009
If you wanta learn you somethin’, go on down to a place where two roads cross. Get there Saturday ’round midnight, and wait there ’til Sunday morning—do that for nine Sundays, all in a row. The dark man, he’ll send his dog to watch on you while you wait. And on the ninth morning, the dark man will meet you. And he will learn you—anything you wanta learn. But you remember this: that dark man, he don’t work for free.
PodCastle’s story Nine Sunday’s in a Row spins an interesting yarn leading up to one person’s ill-fated deal with the devil. It mixes character drama with a nice southern flavor and is told from the sympathetic viewpoint of the Dark Man’s dog himself.
Pseudopod – Love Like Thunder December 7th, 2009
Pseudopod’s recent story Love Like Thunder is a wonderful mix of Native American folklore and mythology along with a nice tale of a sympathetic monster.
It has mature content due to bits of violence and horror imagery, but it also has some nice drama.
AD 015 – Witch’s Promise November 10th, 2009
Lend me your ear while I call you a fool
You were kissed by a witch one night in the wood
And later insisted your feelings were true
— Jethro Tull, “Witch’s Promise
An additional Halloween treat, better late than never, recorded at a podcast panel last month at Fur Fright .
“Witch’s Promise” by Will A. Sanborn
Read by Peter Katt
PodCastle – Kissing Frogs October 18th, 2009
One of the recent stories on PodCastle brings a new twist on a classic fairy tale. Kissing Frogs updates Grimm’s story, not only with a modern setting, but new themes of both romance and self image.