More Golem Stories March 31st, 2010
Besides Variant Frequencies story Heart of Clay: A Saint Darwin’s Spiritual there are two other podcast stories which use golem characters.
These are from the more canonical sense, building on Jewish Mysticism and the dark historic setting of World War II. Both have some wonderfully moving character drama as well. They are:
Niels Bohr and the Sleeping Dane by Jonathon Sullivan on Escape Pod.
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Anthro Music Videos March 27th, 2010
Here’s a couple of music videos which make use of anthropomorphic animals and also show the genre as artform is still alive.
Ramona Falls – “I Say Fever” is trippy with some nice stylish animation and makes an interesting metaphor for exposing people’s baser animal behaviors. Plus, a gun that shoots birds is just cool.
Menomena – “Evil Bee” is an older video which is attributed to the same director and is another wonderful piece It’s a dystopian world and a view on life, relationships and the birds and the bees that’s darkly beautiful.
PodCastle – Of Beasts and Men March 25th, 2010
PodCastle the fantasy podcast has a couple of recent stories with anthropomorphic characters.
When Shakko Did Not Lie by Eugie Foster is a wonderful fantasy of Japanese myth in which a cunning fox must undertake a quest and must succeed at it without using his characteristic tricks.
Narrative of a Beast’s Life by Cat Rambo is a more serious story, a narrative of a centaur’s enslavement in an allegorical tale of alternative history.
Variant Frequencies – Heart of Clay March 25th, 2010
While it doesn’t have any animal characters, this Variant Frequencies podcast story has an interesting flavor of anthropomorphism to it. Heart of Clay: A Saint Darwin’s Spiritual by D.K. Thompson is a nice noir fantasy steampunk crime story.
Ever since Saint Darwin returned with harvested seeds from an Egyptian bush that wouldn’t burn, golem constables have worked alongside human and ghost inspectors. They patrol England’s cobblestone streets together, keeping them safe from the monsters the patron saint of scientists exposed to the world. But when inanimate golems are being trafficked by a shadowy group of businessmen dressed up in wicked smiles and sharp teeth, it’s up to the Paranormal Patrol’s newest created member – Constable Lump – to go undercover in the gaslit night and learn where his missing brethren have vanished to, without sacrificing his newfound life getting the answers.
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AD 019 – The Crossroads March 23rd, 2010
Balam the Aztec jaguar, who had been a proud prince, now finds himself a heretic hunted by the priests. He makes his escape into the night with a lowly coyote, running for his life in this tale of dark fantasy which mixes a historical setting with Mayan mysticism.
“The Crossroads” by Eric Hinkle
Read by Peter Katt
Sound effects from the FreeSound Project
gust of wind by Tony B kksm
moucho-I by galeku
nord analog howling wind storm by medialint
Rain30s by acclivity
StickCracks by CGEffex
Violent Storm by zimm
wingflap fast 2 by philberts
Music cues by Infinity Squared