Different Skins Volume 2 cover art
Different Worlds, Different Skins, Volume 2
More of Humanity’s Encounters with Other Races


Print Book, $17.95, available from Amazon and Lulu.


What if humanity shared Earth with other sentient species? What would first contact with an alien race be like? What wonders or horrors could be wrought by our experiments to create new life-forms, both biologic and mechanical?


This continued anthology examines these ideas, showing humanity’s interaction with the Other, in the form of anthropomorphic animals. The stories cover diverse genres, from science fiction and fantasy, to contemporary fables, exploring themes of race and culture and the endless possibilities of the human condition.


Featuring stories by Earl Bacon, Cebelius, Austen Crowder, Seth Drake, Phil Geusz, G.F.D., Jason Gillespie, Graveyard Greg, Renee Carter Hall, Saia Kferr, Paul Lucas, Annette C. Miller, Brian Miller, Benjamin “eSca” Reed, Ryx, Will A. Sanborn, James Steele, Stephen Soliz, Tim Susman, Phillip Velasquez, Viergacht, and Wirewolf.


Kicking off October, we bring you this tale of wartime drama and speculative fiction.

“God Keep You Tommy” by Seth Drake

Read by Chris Hvidsten of the Outcast Podcast Novel

Music cues by Infinity Squared

“God Keep You Tommy” appeared in the fiction anthology Alone in the Dark. If you liked this story, you may be interested in that book.

Download or listen to the episode here.

AD Extra 004 – Duty   May 31st, 2010

For Memorial Day, we offer this tribute to all soldiers who have fought or who are still fighting in wars overseas, far from home. This is also a remembrance of those canines who have served along side human soldiers, offering companionship and protection during wartime.

“Duty” by Vargr Dragonwolf

Read by Belic Bear

Music cues by Infinity Squared

This story was inspired by and dedicated to the United States War Dogs Association.

Download or listen to the episode here.

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More Golem Stories   March 31st, 2010

Besides Variant Frequencies story Heart of Clay: A Saint Darwin’s Spiritual there are two other podcast stories which use golem characters.

These are from the more canonical sense, building on Jewish Mysticism and the dark historic setting of World War II. Both have some wonderfully moving character drama as well. They are:

Niels Bohr and the Sleeping Dane by Jonathon Sullivan on Escape Pod.

Brothers by J. C. Hay on Pseudopod.

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Different Worlds, Different Skins   December 20th, 2009

different_skins_cover_webDifferent Worlds, Different Skins
Humanity’s Encounters with Other Races

Print Book, $17.95, available from Amazon and Lulu.

Download a sample of the book here.

What if humanity shared Earth with other sentient species? What would first contact with an alien race be like? What wonders or horrors could be wrought by our experiments to create new life-forms, both biologic and mechanical?

This anthology is rated general interest. There are a few stories which cover concepts of romantic love and sex, violence and death, however nothing explicit is shown “on screen.” The ratings of the stories range from G to PG-13.

This anthology examines these ideas, showing humanity’s interaction with the Other, in the form of anthropomorphic animals. The stories cover diverse genres, from science fiction and fantasy, to historical fiction and contemporary fables, exploring themes of race and culture and the endless possibilities of the human condition.

Featuring Stories by Michael Bard, Austen Crowder, Bernard Doove, Seth Drake, William Eakins, Lanny Fields, Phil Geusz, Jason Gillespie, Chris Goodwin, Searska Grey Raven, Renee Carter Hall, Stefan Kaiser, James R. Lane, Alan Loewen, Paul Lucas, Eric Luhman, Brian Miller, Ken Pick, J. Scott Rogers, Will A. Sanborn, Kris Schnee, Sean Silva, Tim Susman and Wookie.

Cover artwork by Sara “Caribou” Palmer.